Install Open Source Social Network on Ubuntu 16.04

Install Open Source Social Network on Ubuntu 16.04

In this tutorial, we are going to provide you with step by step instructions on how to install Open Source Social Network with Apache on an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS.

Open Source Social Network (OSSN) is a social networking software written in PHP used by website developers to create social networking websites. The installation process is easy and it takes only a couple of minutes.

At the time of writing this tutorial, the latest stable version of Open Source Social Network is 4.2 and it requires:

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Install GitBucket on Ubuntu 16.04

Install GitBucket on Ubuntu 16.04

In this article, we will explain how to install GitBucket on an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS with Nginx as a reverse proxy. GitBucket is a Git platform powered by Scala with Github API compatibility. Some of the main features include public and private Git repositories, plug-in system, wiki, online editor, notifications …etc. This guide should work on other Linux VPS systems as well but was tested and written for an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS.

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Install XWiki on Ubuntu 16.04


Install XWiki on Ubuntu 16.04
Install XWiki on Ubuntu 16.04


installing xwiki on ubuntu 16.04We’ll show you, how to install XWiki on Ubuntu 16.04. XWiki is a free and open source advanced wiki software platform written in Java. It runs on servlet containers like JBoss, Tomcat etc. which uses a database such as MySQL or PostgreSQL to store its information. There are several methods of installing XWiki. In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to install XWiki on Ubuntu 16.04 using .DEB  packages. The method of installing XWiki on Ubuntu using .DEB packages is probably the fastest and easiest way because all components needed by XWiki for a production instance are automatically installed on the server. We will use a VPS with Ubuntu 16.04 but you should be able to install XWiki following this tutorial on all Debian based Linux distributions. Installing XWiki on Ubuntu 16.04 is a fairly easy task and it shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to finish it.

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How To Set Up Apache with HTTP/2 on Ubuntu 16.04

apache http2

We’ll show you, How To Set Up Apache with HTTP/2. HTTP/2 is the first major HTTP protocol update since 1997. The main goal of HTTP/2 is to decrease latency, reduce total number of TCP connections, thus improve page load speed in web browsers. HTTP/2 is backwards-compatible with HTTP/1.1, all application semantics of HTTP are the same, except the way of transmitting data via TCP connection. HTTP/2 leverages multiplexing and allows asynchronous (parallel) requests and provides data compression of HTTP headers. Also, the server push method in HTTP/2 allows server to send multiple responses for a single request.

HTTP/2 support is not included in Ubuntu 16.04, neither with nginx nor with Apache because this feature is considered as experimental by the Apache httpd upstream project, so it is not possible to enable it on an Ubuntu 14.04 VPS using the a2enmod command:

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How to migrate from ownCloud to Nextcloud

How to migrate from ownCloud to Nextcloud

We’ll show you, how to migrate from ownCloud to Nextcloud. Nextcloud is a fork of ownCloud which is quickly gaining in popularity and many ownCloud users are migrating from ownCloud to Nextcloud. The migration process is quick and quite simple. In one of our previous articles we wrote about how to Install Nextcloud on an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS and today we will show you how to migrate from ownCloud to Nextcloud. The transfer from ownCloud to Nextcloud should be seamless, as the user interface and features of both apps are quite similar. Migrating from ownCloud to Nextcloud is not so complicated task, just follow this tutorial bellow and you should have it done in less then 10 minutes.

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Install ionCube Loader on a CentOS 7

Install ionCube Loader on a CentOS 7

We’ll show you, how to install ionCube loader on a CentOS 7. ionCube loader is a PHP module that enables PHP to load files, protected with the ionCube Encoder software. It is mostly used by many commercial software vendors to protect their code and stop it from being visible. In this tutorial we will show you how to enable ionCube Loaders on a CentOS 7 VPS. Installing ionCube loader on CentOS 7, is an easy task, just follow our tutorial below and you should install ionCube Loader on CentOS 7 server in few minutes.

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Install Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu 16.04

Install Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu 16.04

We’ll show you how to Install Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu 16.04. Ruby on Rails is a full stack web application framework which provides default structures for databases, web services and web pages. It is used by many developers since it makes the application development very simple. In this tutorial we will show you how to install Ruby on Rails on a Linux VPS running Ubuntu 16.04 as an operating system.

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