Putty Commands

putty commands

With the rise of control panels over the years administering a server has become less challenging for beginners in the wonderful Linux world. You have WHM/cPanel, DirectAdmin, Webmin, ISPConfig, Vesta, and other control panels that ease the server management to a level that everyone will find suitable.

On the other hand, managing a server without a control panel knows to be tricky. The server owner must have at least a basic understanding and knowledge of Linux administration and commands.

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Install Shopware 5 on Ubuntu 16.04

Install Shopware 5 on Ubuntu 16.04

We’ll show you. how to install Shopware 5 on Ubuntu 16.04, with MariaDB, PHP-FPM and Nginx. Shopware is a modern open source e-commerce software, written in PHP on top of Symfony and Zend components. This guide should work on other Linux VPS systems as well but was tested and wrote this for an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS. Install Shopware 5 on Ubuntu 16.04

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How to install TicketsCAD on CentOS

How to install TicketsCAD on CentOS

We’ll show you How to install TicketsCAD on CentOS. Tickets CAD is a free open-source computer-aided dispatch (CAD) software and it is a part of the open ISES (Open Information Systems for Emergency Services) Project. Tickets CAD is primarily designed to support community emergency services. This install guide assumes that Apache, MySQL and PHP are already installed and configured on your Linux VPS. At the time of writing this tutorial, the latest version of TicketsCAD is 3.09 and it requires:

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Install WordPress with Nginx on openSUSE

Install WordPress with Nginx on openSUSE

As you already know WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL which you can use to create a beautiful website, blog, or app.

In this article we will install WordPress with Nginx on an openSUSE VPS. So follow the easy steps below and you will have a fully functional WordPress site on your openSUSE Linux VPS.

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Install GrandCMS on Ubuntu

Install GrandCMS on Ubuntu

We’ll show you, how to install GrandCMS on Ubuntu. GrandCMS is free and open-source standalone software for website owners. Using GrandCMS you can easily create and maintenance your own site. In order to run Grand CMS, you have to install the following requirements on your sever:

  • Web Server (Apache is recommended)
  • PHP version 5.3 or newer
  • Database server (MySQL is recommended)

So, in this tutorial we will show you how to install GrandCMS on an Ubuntu VPS with Apache, MySQL and PHP.

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