We’ll show you how to install GitLab on CentOS 7. GitLab is a self-hosted git repository management system. It is used by more than 100,000 organizations worldwide. Today we will show you how to install GitLab on your CentOS VPS. For instructions about how to install GitLab on an Ubuntu VPS, you can check our Install GitLab on Debian tutorial. Installing GitLab on CentOS 7 is fairly easy task and it should take 10 minutes for the installation.
Jeff Wilson
How to install xCache on CentOS 7
XCache is a free and open source PHP opcode cacher. Using xCache you can have better performance of your PHP scripts execution on your linux vps. It can achieve this by eliminating the compilation time of PHP code by caching the compiled version of the PHP code into the memory and later uses the compiled version of the code. This can significantly accelerate the page generation time by up to 5 times faster and also optimizes and increases many other aspects of php scripts and reduces the server load.
Install ffmpeg-php on CentOS 6 with DirectAdmin
In this post, we will show you how to install ffmpeg and ffmpeg-php on a CentOS 6 VPS with a DirectAdmin control panel. FFmpeg is the leading multimedia framework capable of decoding, encoding, transcoding, recording, converting and streaming digital audio and video in various formats. ffmpeg-php is a PHP extension which is used for accessing and retrieving information from video and audio files from within PHP scripts.
This guide should work on other Linux VPS systems with DirectAdmin installed as well but was tested and written for CentOS 6 VPS.
Install osCommerce on CentOS 7
In this tutorial we will show you how to install osCommerce on a CentOS 7 VPS. Open Source Commerce (osCommerce) is a complete self-hosted online store solution that contains both a catalog frontend and an administration tool backend which can be easily installed and configured through a web-based installation procedure.
How to install CMS Made Simple on an Ubuntu 14.04 VPS
CMS Made Simple is an open source content management system, based on PHP and MySQL. With CMS Made Simple virtually anyone can create a professional web site and manage its content regardless of experience level.
To install CMS Made Simple on an Ubuntu VPS follow the very easy steps described below.
Install KeystoneJS on an Ubuntu 14.04
In this blog post we will show you how to install KeystoneJS on an Ubuntu 14.04 VPS with the latest version of Nginx as a reverse proxy. KeystoneJS is a Node.js content management system and web application platform built on MongoDB and Express. This guide should work on other Linux VPS systems as well but was tested and written for Ubuntu 14.04 VPS.
Does Changing Website Host Affect SEO?
Does Changing Website Host Affect SEO? In short, yes it does affect the SEO of a website. Changing the location of your web host can affect your website in several different ways. One of these is SEO and you site’s search engine listing position. Though many believe that location changes only have a minimal effect on a site’s SEO rankings, here are several points that show how the effects can be significant.