Install Apache Solr on CentOS 7

Install Apache Solr on CentOS 7

We’ll show you, how to install Apache Solr on CentOS 7. Apache Solr is an open source enterprise search platform used to easily create search engines which searches websites, files and databases. Its major features include powerful full-text search, faceted search, distributed search, hit highlighting and index replication.
In this tutorial we will show you how to install Apache Solr on a CentOS 7 VPS.

Make sure your operating system is fully up to date by executing the following command:

yum update

Install the latest available version of Java on your server:

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How to install PostgreSQL on CentOS 6

postgresqlToday we will show you how to install PostgreSQL on a CentOS 6 VPS. PostgreSQL is a cross-platform object-relational database management system and its primary function is to store data and retrieve it later. It is open source and it is designed for high volume environments.

Current stable release of PostgreSQL is 9.3 and it is community supported until 2018-09-09.

The installation of PostgreSQL is very simple and requires only few minutes to be completed. Let’s start.

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How to install Varnish and phpMyAdmin on a CentOS 7 VPS with Nginx, MariaDB and PHP-FPM

varnishIn this tutorial, we will show you how to install Varnish cache and phpMyAdmin on a CentOS 7 VPS with Nginx, MariaDB and PHP-FPM. Varnish cache is a web application accelerator created for speeding up dynamic web sites. phpMyAdmin is an open-source web application, created to handle the administration of MySQL databases through a web browser.
Use the following article to install Nginx, MariaDB and PHP-FPM on a CentOS 7 VPS.

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Install and Configure OpenLDAP and phpLDAPadmin on Ubuntu 14.04

LDAPLDAP, or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, is an open, vendor-neutral, industry standard application protocol for accessing and maintaining distributed directory information services over an Internet Protocol (IP) network.
It can be used to store any kind of information and it is often used as one component of a centralized authentication system.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to install and configure an OpenLDAP server on an Ubuntu 14.04 server. We will then install and secure a phpLDAPadmin interface to provide an easy web interface.

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How to install MyWebSQL on a CentOS VPS

MyWebSQL LogoMyWebSQL is a free and open source web based client for managing databases on your Linux VPS, and is written in PHP. It has a simple and intuitive interface with the look and feel of a desktop application. This PHP based application offers rich features for database management. With it’s fast and attractive web interface it is a very good alternative to the popular phpMyAdmin.

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Securing your Ubuntu/Debian based VPS using IPTABLES/Netfilter firewall

securing-your-ubuntu-based-vps-using-iptables-firewallIn the following article we will show you how you can secure and protect your Ubuntu or Debian based virtual server using a firewall application, called iptables.

What is iptables?

It is is a user space application program that allows a system administrator to configure the tables provided by the Linux kernel firewall (implemented as different Netfilter modules) and the chains and rules it stores.

In order to keep down the number of attempted break-ins and to filter the ports opened on your virtual server, it is necessary to properly configure your firewall.

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Useful Exim Commands

exim vpsExim is a popular, powerful and easily configurable mail transfer agent (MTA) included on most Linux operating systems.

If you want to install Exim on a CentOS VPS, all you have to do is install the EPEL repository:

rpm -Uvh

then, install Exim via yum:

yum install exim

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Install Pagekit CMS on an Ubuntu VPS

pagekit-logoToday we will go through the process of installing Pagekit CMS on an Ubuntu VPS with Nginx and MariaDB. Pagekit is a modern CMS, written in PHP on top of Symfony components and modern open source libraries. Pagekit uses its own templating engine called Razr and Markdown formatting.
This should work on other Linux VPS systems as well but was tested and written for Ubuntu 14.04.

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