How to secure your SSH using two-step authentication on CentOS 6

secure SSH using two-step authentication on CentOSThere are several things you can do to secure and protect your SSH. One of them is to use Google Authenticator and create a two-factor authentication on your CentOS VPS. Google Authenticator gives you an extra layer of security by generating time based one-time passwords (TOTP) on your smartphone that you must enter along with your username and password in order to login to the server via SSH.

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Install WordPress with HHVM, Nginx and MariaDB on an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

HipHopHHVM is an open-source virtual machine designed for executing programs written in PHP. HHVM stands for HipHop Virtual Machine and it was initially developed by Facebook to boost up their application performance, and for those who don’t know MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL. In this tutorial we will show you step by step how to install WordPress with HHVM, Nginx and MariaDB on an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS VPS.

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Install Django CMS on Ubuntu 12.04 with MariaDB, Gunicorn and Nginx

django_cmsIn this blog post we will show you how to install the Django CMS on a Ubuntu VPS with MariaDB, Nginx and Gunicorn  .

Django CMS is open source content management system based on the Web framework Django. Some of the main features include: Plugin-based, Pretty URLs, Permission management, Apps, Frontend-Editing, Analytics, Blog ..etc.


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How to install and configure eXo Platform with Java and Apache as a reverse proxy

exo platform vpsEXo Platform is an open source software written in Java which allow developers to build a modern social intranets, business portals with complete collaborative and content management features, websites, forums, wikis, workflows, work-spaces, activity streams and more – all in one single platform. The content can easily be aggregated in a secure and customizable way.

In this step-by-step tutorial, we will show you how to easily install eXo Platform on a Linux based virtual server.

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How to install LAMP and run OrangeHRM in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

In the following article we are going to explain how you can install LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL and PHP) and run OrangeHRM in your Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Linux VPS.

What is OrangeHRM?

It is an Open Source Human Resource Management system written in PHP.

It has the following features:

  • Administration Module
  • Personal Information Management
  • Leave Module
  • Time Module
  • Employee Self Service Module
  • Recruitment/ Applicant Tracking Module
  • Performance Module

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Install the Sails.js framework on an Ubuntu VPS

sailsSails.js is a real-time MVC Framework for Node.js, which makes it easy to build custom, enterprise-grade Node.js apps. Sails.js is database agnostic, automatically generates a RESTful JSON API for your app, provides basic security and role-based access control by default, has automatic asset minification and many more.

In this blog post we will show you how to install the Sails.js framework on a Ubuntu VPS with Nginx as a reverse proxy.

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