How to Install Plone 4 CMS on Debian Wheezy with Nginx

plone Plone is a popular open source enterprise grade CMS (content management system) based on the Python programming language.  Plone shares many similarities with WordPress. It is very easy to use, flexible CMS built with the main purpose to design, create and manage content rich websites. Also, Plone can be used as a groupware collaboration tool or a document publishing system. Plone runs on top of the Zope web application server. This tutorial will help you install Plone 4 on a virtual server with Debian Wheezy and Nginx installed on it.

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How to Install And Integrate DKIM With OpenDKIM And Postfix On a CentOS 6 VPS


This tutorial is part 5 of the mailserver set-up with virtual users and domains using Postfix and Dovecot series. It goes through the steps of installing and integrating OpenDKIM in Postfix on a CentOS 6 Linux VPS.

After completing this tutorial you will end up having OpenDKIM adding digital signatures to your emails, thus making the mailserver set-up even more robust and professional.

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How to install MyBB on a LEMP (Linux + Nginx + MySQL + PHP-FPM) VPS

MyBB VPSMyBB, also known as MyBBoard or MyBulletinBoard, is very popular and free forum software developed using PHP and MySQL. This tutorial will help you install MyBB on a Linux virtual server.
This article assumes that Nginx is already set up and running with PHP 5.1 or newer via FastCGI. Also, MyBB forum requires a database for data storage, so you need to have MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite installed and running on your VPS.

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How to Install MediaWiki on Debian

How to install MediaWiki on Debian

We’ll show you, How to install MediaWiki on Debian. MediaWiki is an open source PHP-based software application developed by the Wikimedia Foundation. MediaWiki requires Apache web server, PHP 5 and a database server (MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite) installed and running on the server. This is a short tutorial on how to install MediaWiki on a virtual server with Debian Wheezy.

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How to install the latest versions of node.js and Bower on Ubuntu 13.10

node.js bowerNode.js is a popular platform created for easily building fast and scalable network applications. Also, node.js contains a highly customizable HTTP server library so it is possible to run a web server without the use of external software, such as Apache thus allowing more control of how the web server works. Node.js is maturing quickly and it has become wildly popular. Node.js is able to handle modern Web content in all its richness. It’s fairly easy to get started with node.js. To install the latest version of node.js on a virtual server running Ubuntu 13.10, follow the steps below:

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Optimize your CentOS 6 VPS Nginx-powered Joomla Installation

optimize-your-centos-6-vps-nginx-powered-joomla-installationAs promised, in this sequel of my previous post, we’ll see some useful steps for performance and security optimization of your Nginx-powered Joomla installation on a CentOS VPS and get it ready for its production run. Please note that these are not one-time and/or persistent settings. Performance and security optimization is a constant process.

So, the first thing I do after every Joomla installation is to hide its version, since it’s known that attackers usually scan for the Joomla version so they can track and explore its vulnerabilities.

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Run Joomla with Nginx on a Centos VPS

run-joomla-on-nginx-on-centos-vpsToday we will show you how to install Joomla, one of the most popular open source Content Management Systems on your LNMP stack (Nginx, MySQL and PHP-FPM) Centos VPS.
Follow this article carefully and in no more than 10 minutes you will have a common Joomla CMS installed on your LNMP stack Centos VPS, and in the next article we will optimize the very same installation performance-wise, as an addition to several security tips that will provide safer hosting for you and your business.

Let’s get to work.

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How to install and integrate SpamAssassin with Postfix on a CentOS 6 VPS

spamassassinThe following article is part 4 of our mailserver set-up with virtual users and domains using Postfix and Dovecot on a CentOS 6 VPS, followed by part 2 which explains how to install and set-up the Roundcube webmail interface on a linux vps server and then part 3 which is all about how to set-up an SSL encrypted connection in Postfix, Dovecot and Apache using SSL certificates.

In this tutorial we are going to set-up SpamAssassin on one of our CentOS 6 linux virtual servers and integrate it into our Postfix mailserver set-up so it can scan and mark the emails detected as SPAM.

What is SpamAssassin?

It is a program released under the Apache License 2.0 used for e-mail spam filtering based on content-matching rules.

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