What is High Availability Hosting?

what is high availability hosting

When a server acts as the host for a website or an application, it is the backbone of this website or application’s functionality. The server provides resources with which the application can run on, as well as an internet connection that can allow for input from outside sources to occur, as well as output to other servers/systems. Therefore, it is vital that the server hosting your website/application is in working order and has its resources and capabilities available to be utilized at all times.

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How to install PHP 7.4 With Nginx on Ubuntu 20.04

install php 7.4 with nginx on ubuntu 20.04

PHP is one of the most popular server scripting languages used for creating dynamic pages. Many popular CMS is written in PHP including, WordPress, Laravel, Magento, and many more.

The PHP 7.4 version was officially released on November 28th, 2019 with a number of new features. It has also few incompatibilities so you should take care before upgrading from the previous version.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install PHP7.4 with Nginx on our managed Ubuntu server. Also, feel free to learn more about how to install and configure PHP applications using the Nginx webserver on our cloud environment.

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How to Enable ModSecurity Web Application Firewall inside NGINX Server on the RoseHosting Cloud platform

how to enable modsecurity web application firewall inside nginx server

Nginx is a free, open-source, and one of the most popular web servers and reverses proxy servers. Mostly, it is used for load balancing and high-performance websites. It offers a rich set of features including, TCP and UDP proxying, auto-indexing, error code redirection, SSL support, fault tolerance, and many more.

ModSecurity is an open-source web application firewall that protects your web server from different kinds of attacks. You can enable this module with Nginx to block some attacks including, SQL injection, bad user agents, session hijacking, trojans, and more.

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WordPress Hosting in Elastic Standalone Container

wordpress hosting in elastic standalone container

If you are looking for a cost-effective solution for running small and medium-size projects with advanced features including a Web application firewall, Let’s Encrypt SSL, CDN, Redis cache then you can deploy WordPress in Elastic Standalone Container on RoseHosting Cloud platform.

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How to Install Anaconda on Ubuntu 20.04

how to install anaconda on ubuntu 20.04

Anaconda is a free, open-source, and one of the most popular distributions of Python and R Programming languages. Generally, it is used for scientific computing, predictive analysis, machine learning, and large-scale data processing. It is cross-platform distribution and it can be installed on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install and use Anaconda on an Ubuntu 20.04 VPS.

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Enterprise WordPress Hosting: Automatic Scaling and High Availability

enterprise wordpress hosting: automatic scaling and high availability

High availability and performance are the key aspects when choosing the web hosting provider. If you have a heavy website, there are a lot of processing like importing, exporting, calculations, etc. As a result, chances to max out the CPU and disk are the mortal enemy of real-time transactions. Your website visitors also demand a fast loading time, and if you are unable to resolve this issue, this leads to loss of interest from your visitors, loss of sales and loss of SEO rank.

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How To Set Up an OpenVPN Server on Debian 10

how to set up an openvpn server on debian 10

A virtual private network (VPN) is a secure and encrypted connection between two networks and individual users that protects your internet connection and privacy online. OpenVPN is a free and open-source VPN protocol that implements techniques to create secure point-to-point in routed configurations. It is cross-platform and compatible with all major operating systems.

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