Matomo vs Google Analytics: Choosing the Best for Your Business in 2025

Matomo vs Google Analytics

Website analytics tools help businesses track and measure their online performance. Google Analytics remains the most used tracking tool, yet many companies consider Matomo a strong alternative. The main reasons are data control and privacy. Businesses want more ownership of their website statistics and often aren’t happy to give it up to behemoth corporations like Google. So, which is better, Matomo vs Google Analytics?

Google Analytics and Matomo each offer distinct benefits. Google Analytics gives users many tracking features. Matomo focuses on data privacy and puts you in charge of your analytics information. The key advantage of Matomo lies in server control. You can install it on your own VPS or dedicated server and keep full ownership of your data.

This guide compares Matomo vs Google Analytics, examining both platforms in detail. You’ll see how essential features, privacy settings, and setup requirements differ. The details cover data collection methods, report types, and visitor tracking capabilities. These facts will guide your choice based on what your business needs.

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Server vs Desktop Components: What is the Difference?

Server vs Desktop Components

When looking for a quality hosting provider, you can typically lump them into three groups. Providers hiding their server components are generally best avoided. Providers featuring equipment you’ve heard about like Intel Core or AMD Ryzen processors are feasible for smaller hobby sites. Finally, enterprise-grade server equipment such as Intel Xeon or AMD EPYC family of processors are used by premium hosting providers. So what is the difference between server vs desktop components and why should you care? Let’s go over everything you need to know.

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Best Web Hosting for Small Business

Best Web Hosting for Small Business

Your business website is more than just a regular site. It reflects your brand and is the first point of contact for your business in the eyes of your potential customers. In cases of e-commerce or SaaS businesses, it is likely also your primary source of income. This makes web hosting for small business an essential decision for you to get right.

In addition to hosting your website files, such as images, videos, and content, business hosting is far more versatile. It can be used to run and store your company email accounts. You can use it to host many open-source tools and services your team will use on a daily basis. File sharing, password managers, project management tools, and internal chat software, among many other options. Applications that require a secure online environment, and are controlled and accessible only by those within or associated with the company. Web hosting for small business offers the best performance, stability, and control, with unparalleled privacy and security.

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WordPress vs Web Builders

WordPress vs Web Builders

Stacking up WordPress vs web builders such as Squarespace, Wix, and Shopify is a question asked often. Various comparisons of hosted CMS solutions against all-in-one web builders have been made with varying degrees of accuracy. They all do a serviceable job when it comes to hosting a website. However, there are a few differences to be aware of.

Without further ado, let’s get into it.

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Agency Hosting: The Agency Carousel

What is the Agency Carousel and agency hosting

What is the agency carousel, and how does true managed agency hosting help you get back on track? Can fully managed hosting help you resolve these problems? How exactly do you go about doing so? This post reviews how managed support makes your agency life significantly more manageable and far more flexible. This leads to happier customers and a more relaxed atmosphere for you and your team. Let’s get into it.

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Domain vs Hosting: Understanding the Key Differences

Domain vs Hosting

Whether you’re establishing a personal blog or promoting a business, it’s helpful to understand the fundamental aspects of a website. Two of these aspects include your “domain” vs “hosting.” These are often used interchangeably, but they have different and distinct purposes.

In this article, we’ll clarify the key differences between a domain and hosting and hopefully provide you with the knowledge you need to build your online presence successfully.

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Root Access with Unconditional Fully-Managed Support: Hosting Unlike Any Other

Root Access with Unconditional Fully-Managed Support

Good, fast, cheap. Pick two! This popular phrase is often used throughout agencies when client expectations unrealistically want all three. Unfortunately, getting all three is not possible 999 times out of a thousand. That one in a thousand case is truly a miracle — a unicorn project by a unicorn agency. We have a similar trio in the hosting world — support, access, control. Pick two! These pertain to fully managed support, unconditional root access, and choosing to use a control panel or forego one entirely.

For several reasons, most hosting providers will avoid offering root access and managed support. In rare cases where a provider offers both, you are typically restricted by a limiting proprietary control panel. RoseHosting is the unicorn that uniquely provides the singularly most beneficial hosting service. Support, access, and control!

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