WordPress vs Web Builders

WordPress vs Web Builders

Stacking up WordPress vs web builders such as Squarespace, Wix, and Shopify is a question asked often. Various comparisons of hosted CMS solutions against all-in-one web builders have been made with varying degrees of accuracy. They all do a serviceable job when it comes to hosting a website. However, there are a few differences to be aware of.

Without further ado, let’s get into it.

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Agency Hosting: The Agency Carousel

What is the Agency Carousel and agency hosting

What is the agency carousel, and how does true managed agency hosting help you get back on track? Can fully managed hosting help you resolve these problems? How exactly do you go about doing so? This post reviews how managed support makes your agency life significantly more manageable and far more flexible. This leads to happier customers and a more relaxed atmosphere for you and your team. Let’s get into it.

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How Much Does it Cost to Maintain a Website in 2024?

How Much Does it Cost to Maintain a Website?

There are seemingly countless estimates of how much it costs to build a website. Each found that the answer can vary significantly based on what kind of site you’re creating. Is it a business website or a hobby site, or do you need an eCommerce store? Building the website is only the beginning, however. How much does it cost to maintain a website once you’ve built it? What are the recurring fixed costs and highly variable operational costs differences, and where can you get the best value? Has this changed drastically in 2024 compared to the years past? Let’s dive into the details and pick apart how much it costs to maintain a website in 2024.

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