Install Odoo 10 on CentOS 7

Install Odoo 10 on CentOS 7

We’ll show you, How to install Odoo 10 on CentOS 7. Odoo (formerly known as OpenERP) is a suite of web-based enterprise management applications. It is one of the most popular and powerful Open Source ERP business software based on the Python programming language.

Odoo’s business apps are organized into 6 groups: front-end applications, sales management applications, business operations applications, marketing applications, human resources and productivity applications. They can be used as stand-alone applications and they can be integrated seamlessly so you can get a full-featured Open Source ERP.

In this tutorial, we will install the latest Odoo 10 version and configure Apache as a reverse proxy so you can access your Odoo app via a domain without typing Odoo’s port in the URL.


For this tutorial, we will be using our SSD 1 Linux VPS hosting plan with CentOS 7 as an operating system.

1. Log in to your server via SSH:

# ssh root@server_ip

Before starting, enter the command below to check whether you have the proper version of CentOS installed on your machine:

# cat /etc/redhat-release

which should give you the underneath output:

CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)

2. Update the system

Make sure your server is fully up to date:

# yum update

Once this is done, install the EPEL repository:

# yum install -y epel-release

3. Install PostgreSQL

Odoo uses PostgreSQL, therefore let’s install it along with some much-needed dependencies. Execute the below command:

# yum install postgresql-server fontconfig libpng libX11 libXext libXrender xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi wkhtmltopdf yum-utils

Now initialize the PostgreSQL database:

# postgresql-setup initdb

Enable PostgreSQL to start on boot and start the service using:

# systemctl enable postgresql

# systemctl start postgresql

4. Install Odoo 10

Add the Odoo repository:

# yum-config-manager --add-repo=

Update the package index and install Odoo 10:

# yum update && yum install odoo

Once the installation is completed, enable Odoo to start on boot:

# systemctl enable odoo

Start Odoo:

# systemctl start odoo

Check if Odoo is working:

# ps aux |grep odoo

Odoo’s default master password is set to ‘admin‘. Let’s change this. Open the configuration file for Odoo with your favorite text editor. We are using nano:

# nano /etc/odoo/odoo.conf

Uncomment (delete ;) the admin_passwd line and set your new master password. Be sure to use a strong password. You can generate one through the command line. Save and close the file. Restart Odoo for the changes to take effect:

# systemctl restart odoo

5. Configure Apache

Last but not least, you need to configure Apache as a reverse proxy to avoid using Odoo’s port in the web browser when accessing Odoo. But first things first, let’s install Apache:

# yum install httpd

Enable it to start on boot, then start Apache:

# systemctl enable httpd

# systemctl start httpd

Now, let’s do the actual reverse proxy configuration. Open a new config file for your domain:

# nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/your_domain.conf

Paste the following:

<VirtualHost *:80>

ProxyRequests Off
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
<Location />
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Of course don’t forget to replace with your actual domain. Save and close the file, then restart Apache for the changes to take effect:

# service httpd restart

Congratulations, if you followed the instructions carefully, you have successfully installed Odoo 10 on your CentOS 7 VPS. You can now open your favorite web browser and navigate to your Odoo instance using the domain you configured earlier. Create your first database and start using Odoo 10.

Of course you don’t have to install Odoo 10 on CentOS 7,  if you use one of our Odoo VPS Hosting services, in which case you can simply ask our expert Linux admins to install and configure Odoo 10 for you. They are available 24×7 and will take care of your request immediately.

PS. If you liked this post on how to install Odoo 10 on CentOS 7, please share it with your friends on the social networks using the buttons below or simply leave a reply. Thanks.

26 thoughts on “Install Odoo 10 on CentOS 7”

  1. Hai Admin.
    while installing odoo in my server with centos 7.3, when i traid this command “yum update && yum install odoo” am getting bellow error
    Error: Package: python-xlwt-0.7.4-5.el7.noarch (epel)
    Requires: antlr-python
    Error: Package: odoo-9.0c_20170111-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python-jinja2
    Error: Package: odoo-9.0c_20170111-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python-docutils
    Error: Package: odoo-9.0c_20170111-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: libxslt-python
    You could try using –skip-broken to work around the problem
    ** Found 6 pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), ‘yum check’ output follows:
    ipa-admintools-4.4.0-12.el7.centos.noarch has installed conflicts freeipa-admintools: ipa-admintools-4.4.0-12.el7.centos.noarch
    ipa-client-4.4.0-12.el7.centos.x86_64 has installed conflicts freeipa-client: ipa-client-4.4.0-12.el7.centos.x86_64
    ipa-client-common-4.4.0-12.el7.centos.noarch has installed conflicts freeipa-client-common: ipa-client-common-4.4.0-12.el7.centos.noarch
    ipa-common-4.4.0-12.el7.centos.noarch has installed conflicts freeipa-common: ipa-common-4.4.0-12.el7.centos.noarch
    ipa-server-4.4.0-12.el7.centos.x86_64 has installed conflicts freeipa-server: ipa-server-4.4.0-12.el7.centos.x86_64
    ipa-server-common-4.4.0-12.el7.centos.noarch has installed conflicts freeipa-server-common: ipa-server-common-4.4.0-12.el7.centos.noarch

    help me

  2. I tried this on a clean VPS and I got a message:

    “The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later”

    4-5 times tried this. Something wrong with the latest update of Odoo or the apache.

  3. Hello,

    Thank you for this tutorial! It worked for me until the reverse proxy configuration. There is no httpd folder inside etc end when I try to create the .conf file I get an error. What am I missing?

    Best regards,

    • Have you installed Apache on your server? You can install Apache using

      yum install httpd

      Once Apache is installed you will be able to access /etc/httpd/ and create a configuration file for your domain name.

      Also, make sure that you are running the commands as the root user.


  4. Centos 7. Looks like I didn’t do my homework… Sorry for that!

    I have done some research and it looks like Apache is not installed due to a conflict with a cPanel module: Error: ea-apache24 conflicts with httpd-2.4.6-45.el7.centos.4.x86_64

    Is there a way to bypass this?

    Thank you for your help!

    • Since you have cPanel installed on your server, Apache is already installed and its configuration is in /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf

  5. So where should I paste the code for the proxy configuration? Inside the httpd.conf file?

    Thank you so much!


      • Probably I’m missing something because, as I already told you earlier, /etc/httpd/ doesn’t exist on this server… Should I create manually the folders httpd and conf.d plus the file xxxxxx.xx.conf?


    • Hello,

      There are multiple ways to upgrade from community to enterprise version depending on the current installation. More information about this you can find at


  6. I execute “yum update && yum install odoo” (centOS7) and get this:

    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-pydot
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-vatnumber
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-mako
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-xlwt
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-stdnum
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-pyldap
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-pyserial
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-pyparsing
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-pytz
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-qrcode
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-ofxparse
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-feedparser
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-PyPDF2
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-dateutil
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-psutil
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-requests
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-greenlet
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-pillow
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-PyYAML
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-passlib
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-vobject
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-decorator
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-gevent
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-mock
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-num2words
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-xlrd
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-docutils
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-lxml
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-psycopg2
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-six
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-pyusb
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-reportlab
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-babel
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-suds
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-markupsafe
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-jinja2
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-werkzeug
    Error: Package: odoo-11.0.post20171024-1.noarch (odoo-nightly)
    Requires: python3-html2text
    You could try using –skip-broken to work around the problem
    You could try running: rpm -Va –nofiles –nodigest

  7. Hi Admin,

    On this step: “# nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/your_domain.conf”, if I don’t have a domain name yet, what should I put?



    • If you don’t have a domain name yet, you can skip the reverse proxy configuration part.
      You will still be able to access your Odoo using your server IP address on port 8069.

  8. Hi i installed almost everything but connecting to a domain is failing. Is there something i need to set up where i host the domain? Like directing it to an ip address. The domain is .org with wix. Thank you.

  9. Getting this error when installing odoo 10 in centos 7
    I followed the same instructions as yours

    odoo_10.0.20200827.noarch.rpm FAILED [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404 – Not Found ] 0.0 B/s | 14 MB –:–:– ETA
    Trying other mirror.
    To address this issue please refer to the below wiki article

    If above article doesn’t help to resolve this issue please use

    Error downloading packages:
    odoo-10.0.post20200827-1.noarch: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.

    • The .rpm package “odoo_10.0.20200827.noarch.rpm” does not exist at

      You can try manually installing

      Please make sure that all dependencies are installed


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