Install Sugar CRM on a CentOS/Fedora/Scientitic Linux VPS

Sugar CRM is a web based customer relationship management (CRM) system written in PHP. It is available in three different editions: Community Edition (which is free), Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition. This blog post covers the installation of the free Community Edition of Sugar CRM on a CentOS/Fedora/Scientitic Linux VPS which is pretty easy and fast.

In order to run Sugar CRM on your server, you need to have MySQL database server and Apache web server installed. Both are coming pre-installed with all our ‘full’ OS templates.

At the very beginning of the installation, update your system:

# yum -y update

We need to allow files of at least 6 MB to be uploaded in the PHP configuration file. You can find the location of the PHP configuration file with the following command:

# php -i |grep php.ini
Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /etc
Loaded Configuration File => /etc/php.ini

Open the configuration file and make sure that ‘upload_max_size’ is set to 6M or more:

# vi /etc/php.ini
upload_max_filesize = 6M

and restart the web server:

# service httpd restart

Download the latest release of the Sugar CRM community edition from which currently is 6.5.16

# wget

Unzip the zip archive to the document root directory:

# unzip -d /var/www/html

We will rename the extracted directory to something simpler:

# mv SugarCE-Full-6.5.16 sugarcrm

and this directory needs to be owned by the Apache user:

# chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/sugarcrm

Next, create a MySQL database and user for Sugar CRM:

echo "CREATE DATABASE sugarcrm;" | mysql -u root -p
echo "CREATE USER 'sugarcrmuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'YOUR_PASSWORD';" | mysql -u root -p
echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sugarcrm.* TO 'sugarcrmuser'@'localhost';" | mysql -u root -p
echo "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" | mysql -u root -p

Now, with your favorite browser open http://YOURDOMAIN.TLD/sugarcrm and the Sugar CRM installation wizard will come up

On the next screen you will see instructions and requirement for the installation.

Read and accept the Sugar CRM license:

Select the installation type. In our case we selected the typical installation:

Select the database type. We use MySQL database:

Next, enter the information of the MySQL database we’ve created earlier in this tutorial:

Create the Sugar CRM admin user:

A summary of the selected setting will be displayed on the next screen. If everything is OK, click install.

That’s all. Sugar CRM Community Edition is successfully installed on your server. Now, you can log in to Sugar CRM with your admin account and continue with the configuration.

Of course, if you are one of our Linux VPS Hosting customers, you don’t have to do any of this, simply ask our admins, sit back and relax. Our admins will install Sugar CRM for you immediately.

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